

Principles of bar induction and continuity on Baire space #


The paper mentions the Uniform Continuity principle UC that each continuous function

f : (ℕ → Bool) → ℕ

is uniformly continuous. We prove this. We then prove also that such a function must be bounded.

theorem UC {f : (Bool)} (hf : Continuous f) :
theorem getbound {X : Type} [TopologicalSpace X] [CompactSpace X] [Nonempty X] {U : Set X} (hU : ∀ (i : ), IsOpen (U i)) (h : Set.univ ⋃ (a : ), U a) :
∃ (k : ), Set.univ ⋃ (a : Fin k), U a
theorem bounded_of_continuous_compact {X : Type} [TopologicalSpace X] [CompactSpace X] [Nonempty X] (f : X) (hf : Continuous f) :
∃ (a : ), ∀ (A : X), f A a
theorem bounded_of_continuous (f : (Bool)) (hf : Continuous f) :
∃ (a : ), ∀ (A : Bool), f A a