Locally connected topological spaces #
A topological space is locally connected if each neighborhood filter admits a basis
of connected open sets. Local connectivity is equivalent to each point having a basis
of connected (not necessarily open) sets --- but in a non-trivial way, so we choose this definition
and prove the equivalence later in locallyConnectedSpace_iff_connected_basis
A topological space is locally connected if each neighborhood filter admits a basis
of connected open sets. Note that it is equivalent to each point having a basis of connected
(non necessarily open) sets but in a non-trivial way, so we choose this definition and prove the
equivalence later in locallyConnectedSpace_iff_connected_basis
- open_connected_basis : ∀ (x : α), (nhds x).HasBasis (fun (s : Set α) => IsOpen s ∧ x ∈ s ∧ IsConnected s) id
Open connected neighborhoods form a basis of the neighborhoods filter.
Alias of locallyConnectedSpace_iff_hasBasis_isOpen_isConnected
Alias of locallyConnectedSpace_iff_subsets_isOpen_isConnected
A space with discrete topology is a locally connected space.