We define discrimination trees for the purpose of unifying local expressions with library results.
This structure is based on Lean.Meta.DiscrTree
I document here what features are not in the original:
The keys
have been introduced in order to allow for matching under lambda and forall binders.Key.lam
has arity 1 and indexes the body.Key.forall
has arity 2 and indexes the domain and the body. The reason for not indexing the domain of a lambda expression is that it is usually already determined, for example in∃ a : α, p
, which is@Exists α fun a : α => p
, we don't want to index the domainα
twice. In a forall expression it is necessary to index the domain, because in an implicationp → q
we need to index bothp
works the same asKey.fvar
, but stores the De Bruijn index to identify it.For example, this allows for more specific matching with the left hand side of
∑ i ∈ range n, i = n * (n - 1) / 2
, which is indexed by[⟨Finset.sum, 5⟩, ⟨Nat, 0⟩, ⟨Nat, 0⟩, *0, ⟨Finset.Range, 1⟩, *1, λ, ⟨#0, 0⟩]
.The key
takes aNat
identifier as an argument. For example, the library pattern?a + ?a
is encoded as[⟨HAdd.hAdd, 6⟩, *0, *0, *0, *1, *2, *2]
corresponds to the type ofa
to theHAdd
instance, and*2
. This means that it will only match an expressionx + y
is definitionally equal toy
. The matching algorithm requires that the same stars from the discrimination tree match with the same patterns in the lookup expression, and similarly requires that the same metavariables form the lookup expression match with the same pattern in the discrimination tree.The key
has been introduced in order to index existential variables in lemmas likeNat.exists_prime_and_dvd {n : ℕ} (hn : n ≠ 1) : ∃ p, Prime p ∧ p ∣ n
, where the partPrime p
gets the pattern[⟨Nat.Prime, 1⟩, ◾]
. (◾ representsKey.opaque
) When matching,Key.opaque
can only be matched byKey.star
.Using the
argument, it is possible to disable β-reduction and ζ-reduction. As a result, we may get a lambda expression applied to an argument or a let-expression. Since there is no support for indexing these, they will be indexed byKey.opaque
.We keep track of the matching score of a unification. This score represents the number of keys that had to be the same for the unification to succeed. For example, matching
(1 + 2) + 3
gives a score of 2, since the pattern of commutativity is [⟨HAdd.hAdd, 6⟩, *0, *0, *0, *1, *2, *3], so matching⟨HAdd.hAdd, 6⟩
gives 1 point, and matching*0
after its first appearance gives another point, but the third argument is an outParam, so this gets ignored. Similarly, matching it withadd_assoc
gives a score of 5.Patterns that have the potential to be η-reduced are put into the
under all possible reduced key sequences. This is for terms of the formfun x => f (?m x₁ .. xₙ)
, where?m
is a metavariable, and one ofx₁, .., xₙ
. For example, the patternContinuous fun y => Real.exp (f y)])
is indexed by both[⟨Continuous, 5⟩, *0, ⟨Real, 0⟩, *1, *2, λ, ⟨Real.exp⟩, *3]
and[⟨Continuous, 5⟩, *0, ⟨Real, 0⟩, *1, *2, ⟨Real.exp⟩]
so that it also comes up if you search withContinuous Real.exp
. Similarly,Continuous fun x => f x + g x
is indexed by both[⟨Continuous, 1⟩, λ, ⟨HAdd.hAdd, 6⟩, *0, *0, *0, *1, *2, *3]
and[⟨Continuous, 1⟩, ⟨HAdd.hAdd, 5⟩, *0, *0, *0, *1, *2]
.For sub-expressions not at the root of the original expression we have some additional reductions:
- Any combination of
and number literals is stored as just a number literal. - The expression
fun a : α => a
is stored as@id α
.- This makes lemmata such as
redundant, which is the same ascontinuous_id
, withid
replaced byfun x => x
- This makes lemmata such as
- Any expressions involving
is normalized to not have a lambda in front and to always have the default amount of arguments. e.g.(f + g) a
is stored asf a + g a
andfun x => f x + g x
is stored asf + g
.- This makes lemmata such as
redundant, which is the same asMeasureTheory.integral_integral_add
, withf a + g a
replaced by(f + g) a
- it also means that a lemma like
can be stated as talking aboutf * g
instead offun x => f x + g x
- This makes lemmata such as
- Any combination of
I have also made some changes in the implementation:
- Instead of directly converting from
toArray Key
during insertion, and directly looking up from anExpr
during lookup, I defined the intermediate structureDTExpr
, which is a form ofExpr
that only contains information relevant for the discrimination tree. EachExpr
is transformed into aDTExpr
before insertion or lookup. For insertion there could be multipleDTExpr
representations due to potential η-reductions as mentioned above.
More thought could be put into the matching algorithm for non-trivial unifications. For example, when looking up the expression
?a + ?a
(for rewriting), there will only be results liken + n = 2 * n
ora + b = b + a
, but not liken + 1 = n.succ
, even though this would still unify.The reason why implicit arguments are not ignored by the discrimination tree is that they provide important type information. Because of this it seems more natural to index the types of expressions instead of indexing the implicit type arguments. Then each key would additionally index the type of that expression. So instead of indexing
?a + ?b
as[⟨HAdd.hAdd, 6⟩, *0, *0, *0, *1, *2, *3]
, it would be indexed by something like[(*0, ⟨HAdd.hAdd, 6⟩), _, _, _, _, (*0, *1), (*0, *2)]
. The advantage of this would be that there will be less duplicate indexing of types, because many functions index the types of their arguments and their return type with implicit arguments, meaning that types unnecessarily get indexed multiple times. This modification can be explored, but it could very well not be an improvement.
Definitions #
Discrimination tree key.
- star: ℕ → Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Key
A metavariable. This key matches with anything. It stores an index.
- opaque: Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Key
An opaque variable. This key only matches with itself or
. - const: Lean.Name → ℕ → Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Key
A constant. It stores the name and the arity.
- fvar: Lean.FVarId → ℕ → Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Key
A free variable. It stores the
and the arity. - bvar: ℕ → ℕ → Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Key
A bound variable, from a lambda or forall binder. It stores the De Bruijn index and the arity.
- lit: Lean.Literal → Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Key
A literal.
- sort: Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Key
A sort. Universe levels are ignored.
- lam: Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Key
A lambda function.
- forall: Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Key
A dependent arrow.
- proj: Lean.Name → ℕ → ℕ → Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Key
A projection. It stores the structure name, the projection index and the arity.
Instances For
Constructor index used for ordering Key
Note that the index of the star pattern is 0, so that when looking up in a Trie
we can look at the start of the sorted array for all .star
- (Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Key.star a).ctorIdx = 0
- Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Key.opaque.ctorIdx = 1
- (Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Key.const a a_1).ctorIdx = 2
- (Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Key.fvar a a_1).ctorIdx = 3
- (Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Key.bvar a a_1).ctorIdx = 4
- (Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Key.lit a).ctorIdx = 5
- Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Key.sort.ctorIdx = 6
- Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Key.lam.ctorIdx = 7
- Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Key.forall.ctorIdx = 8
- (Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Key.proj a a_1 a_2).ctorIdx = 9
Instances For
Return the number of arguments that the Key
- (Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Key.const a a_1).arity = a_1
- (Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Key.fvar a a_1).arity = a_1
- (Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Key.bvar a a_1).arity = a_1
- Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Key.lam.arity = 1
- Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Key.forall.arity = 2
- (Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Key.proj a a_1 a_2).arity = 1 + a_2
- x.arity = 0
Instances For
Discrimination tree trie. See RefinedDiscrTree
- node: {α : Type} → Array (Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Key × Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Trie α) → Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Trie α
- path: {α : Type} →
Array Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Key →
Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Trie α → Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Trie α
Sequence of nodes with only one child.
is anArray
of size at least 1. - values: {α : Type} → Array α → Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Trie α
Instances For
- Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.instInhabitedTrie = { default := Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Trie.node #[] }
constructor that only inserts the path if it is non-empty.
- Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Trie.mkPath keys child = if keys.isEmpty = true then child else Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Trie.path keys child
Instances For
constructor for a single value, taking the keys starting at index i
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
constructor for combining two Key
, Trie α
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Return the values from a Trie α
, assuming that it is a leaf
- (Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Trie.values vs).values! = vs
- x.values! = panicWithPosWithDecl "Mathlib.Tactic.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree" "Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Trie.values!" 235 9 "expected .values constructor"
Instances For
Return the children of a Trie α
, assuming that it is not a leaf.
The result is sorted by the Key
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- (Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Trie.node cs).children! = cs
- (Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Trie.path ks c).children! = #[(ks[0]!, Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Trie.mkPath (let a := ks; ↑(a.toSubarray 1)) c)]
Instances For
- Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.instToFormatTrie = { format := Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Trie.format✝ }
Discrimination tree. It is an index from expressions to values of type α
- root : Lean.PersistentHashMap Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Key (Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Trie α)
The underlying
of aRefinedDiscrTree
Instances For
- Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.instInhabited = { default := { root := { root := Lean.PersistentHashMap.Node.entries Lean.PersistentHashMap.mkEmptyEntriesArray } } }
- Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.instToFormat = { format := Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.format✝ }
is a simplified form of Expr
It is the intermediate step for converting from Expr
to Array Key
- star: Option Lean.MVarId → Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.DTExpr
A metavariable. It optionally stores an
. - opaque: Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.DTExpr
An opaque variable or a let-expression in the case
WhnfCoreConfig.zeta := false
. - const: Lean.Name → Array Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.DTExpr → Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.DTExpr
A constant. It stores the name and the arguments.
- fvar: Lean.FVarId → Array Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.DTExpr → Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.DTExpr
A free variable. It stores the
and the arguments - bvar: ℕ → Array Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.DTExpr → Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.DTExpr
A bound variable. It stores the De Bruijn index and the arguments
- lit: Lean.Literal → Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.DTExpr
A literal.
- sort: Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.DTExpr
A sort.
- lam: Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.DTExpr → Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.DTExpr
A lambda function. It stores the body.
- forall: Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.DTExpr →
Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.DTExpr → Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.DTExpr
A dependent arrow. It stores the domain and body.
- proj: Lean.Name →
ℕ →
Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.DTExpr →
Array Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.DTExpr → Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.DTExpr
A projection. It stores the structure name, projection index, struct body and arguments.
Instances For
Return the size of the DTExpr
. This is used for calculating the matching score when two
expressions are equal.
The score is not incremented at a lambda, which is so that the expressions
∀ x, p[x]
and ∃ x, p[x]
get the same size.
Encoding an Expr #
Given a DTExpr
, return the linearized encoding in terms of Key
which is used for RefinedDiscrTree
- e.flatten initCapacity = StateT.run' (Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.DTExpr.flattenAux✝ (Array.mkEmpty initCapacity) e) { stars := #[] }
Instances For
Reduction procedure for the RefinedDiscrTree
Repeatedly apply reduce while stripping lambda binders and introducing their variables
Check whether the expression is represented by Key.star
and has arg
as an argument.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.isStarWithArg arg x = false
Instances For
Return true
if e
contains a loose bound variable.
- e.hasLooseBVars = Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.DTExpr.hasLooseBVarsAux✝ 0 e
Instances For
Return for each argument whether it should be ignored.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Return whether the argument should be ignored.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Introduce new lambdas by η-expansion.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Normalize an application of a heterogeneous binary operator like HAdd.hAdd
, using:
f = fun x => f x
to increase the arity to 6(f + g) a = f a + g a
to decrease the arity to 6(fun x => f x + g x) = f + g
to get rid of any lambdas in front
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
use that (fun x => f x + g x) = f + g
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.MkDTExpr.reduceHBinOpAux.distributeLambdas [] type lhs rhs = pure (type, lhs, rhs, [])
Instances For
Normalize an application if the head is +
, *
, -
or /
Optionally return the (type, lhs, rhs, lambdas)
Instances For
Normalize an application of a unary operator like Inv.inv
, using:
f⁻¹ a = (f a)⁻¹
to decrease the arity to 3(fun x => (f a)⁻¹) = f⁻¹
to get rid of any lambdas in front
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
use that (fun x => (f x)⁻¹) = f⁻¹
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.MkDTExpr.reduceUnOpAux.distributeLambdas [] type arg = pure (type, arg, [])
Instances For
Normalize an application if the head is ⁻¹
or -
Optionally return the (type, arg, lambdas)
- Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.MkDTExpr.reduceUnOp `Neg.neg args lambdas = Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.MkDTExpr.reduceUnOpAux args lambdas `Pi.instNeg
- Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.MkDTExpr.reduceUnOp `Inv.inv args lambdas = Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.MkDTExpr.reduceUnOpAux args lambdas `Pi.instInv
- Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.MkDTExpr.reduceUnOp n args lambdas = pure none
Instances For
Return the encoding of e
as a DTExpr
If root = false
, then e
is a strict sub expression of the original expression.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Return all pairs of body, bound variables that could possibly appear due to η-reduction
Instances For
run etaPossibilities
, and cache the result if there are multiple possibilities.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.MkDTExpr.cacheEtaPossibilities e original lambdas k = k e lambdas
Instances For
Return all encodings of e
as a DTExpr
, taking possible η-reductions into account.
If root = false
, then e
is a strict sub expression of the original expression.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Return the encoding of e
as a DTExpr
Warning: to account for potential η-reductions of e
, use mkDTExprs
The argument fvarInContext
allows you to specify which free variables in e
will still be
in the context when the RefinedDiscrTree
is being used for lookup.
It should return true only if the RefinedDiscrTree
is built and used locally.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Similar to mkDTExpr
Return all encodings of e
as a DTExpr
, taking potential further η-reductions into account.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Inserting intro a RefinedDiscrTree #
Insert the value v
at index keys : Array Key
in a RefinedDiscrTree
Warning: to account for η-reduction, an entry may need to be added at multiple indexes,
so it is recommended to use RefinedDiscrTree.insert
for insertion.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Insert the value v
at index e : DTExpr
in a RefinedDiscrTree
Warning: to account for η-reduction, an entry may need to be added at multiple indexes,
so it is recommended to use RefinedDiscrTree.insert
for insertion.
- d.insertDTExpr e v = d.insertInRefinedDiscrTree e.flatten v
Instances For
Insert the value v
at index e : Expr
in a RefinedDiscrTree
The argument fvarInContext
allows you to specify which free variables in e
will still be
in the context when the RefinedDiscrTree
is being used for lookup.
It should return true only if the RefinedDiscrTree
is built and used locally.
if onlySpecific := true
, then we filter out the patterns *
and Eq * * *
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Insert the value vLhs
at index lhs
, and if rhs
is indexed differently, then also
insert the value vRhs
at index rhs
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Matching with a RefinedDiscrTree #
We use a very simple unification algorithm. For all star/metavariable patterns in the
and in the target, we store the assignment, and when it is assigned again,
we check that it is the same assignment.
If k
is a key in children
, return the corresponding Trie α
. Otherwise return none
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Return the possible Trie α
that match with n
Return the possible Trie α
that match with anything.
We add 1 to the matching score when the key is .opaque
since this pattern is "harder" to match with.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Return the possible Trie α
that come from a Key.star
while keeping track of the Key.star
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Return the possible Trie α
that match with e
If e
is not a metavariable, return the possible Trie α
that exactly match with e
Return the results from the RefinedDiscrTree
that match the given expression,
together with their matching scores, in decreasing order of score.
Each entry of type Array α × Nat
corresponds to one pattern.
If unify := false
, then metavariables in e
are treated as opaque variables.
This is for when you don't want to instantiate metavariables in e
If allowRootStar := false
, then we don't allow e
or the matched key in d
to be a star pattern.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Similar to getMatchWithScore
, but also returns matches with prefixes of e
We store the score, followed by the number of ignored arguments.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Apply a monadic function to the array of values at each node in a RefinedDiscrTree
Apply a monadic function to the array of values at each node in a RefinedDiscrTree
- d.mapArraysM f = do let __do_lift ← d.root.mapM fun (x : Mathlib.Meta.FunProp.RefinedDiscrTree.Trie α) => x.mapArraysM f pure { root := __do_lift }
Instances For
Apply a function to the array of values at each node in a RefinedDiscrTree
- d.mapArrays f = d.mapArraysM f